GST Ready Pharmacy Software in India – Digit24. Digit24 Software Boost Your Retail Pharmacy Business. Get Pharmacy POS, Medical Store Billing, Best Accounting Pharma Software. Enjoy a one-stop chemist software solution to cater to all requirements for running your retail pharmacy efficiently with Digit24.

Features at Glance of Pharmacy Software

  • Get regular notification & alerts based on customer’s history. Send Reminders to customers regarding appointments, medicines, follow ups etc & deliver the medicine on time.
  • Advanced stock management system to track our stock .
  • Online Purchase Import bill from any Excel, CSV or PDF format to save time with 100% accuracy .
  • By accepting paper & e-prescriptions reach out to more customers by maintaining records of medical evaluation of the patient’s health .
  • Easily maintain stock of multiple items Rack-wise which helps to identify which item is kept in which rack at the time of billing & generate Rack-wise stock reports .
  • Know the Fast, Slow and Non- Moving products in your store. Set Re-order points. Generate Re- order on the basis of Product Sale/ Profit/Stock level & Calculations .
  • Boost our sales by suggesting substitute medicines instead of the prescribed ones Increase 40-50% sales by searching substitutes & placing orders to nearby suppliers . The software will find appropriate substitutes with same Salt Composition & Strength.

To Get Best Pharmacy Software in India : CLICK HERE