Digit24, a Pharmacy software for all kind of pharmaceutical companies and medical shops for stock.  A Cloud-Based Billing Software, Purchase & Sales entry software for Pharma. We are expertise in providing integrated ERP Pharmacy Software, Retail & POS Software to our thousands of customers till date, helped them to meet their business goals.

Digit24,Medical Track Software solves the problem of every medical store in a very simple and user friendly way. On supply of Items, the supplier submits an Invoice for the Items supplied, which constitutes the Purchase Invoice. The entry of Purchase Invoice is made from the Purchase Invoice received from the supplier. Purchase Invoice affects both Inventory and Accounts. The stock of Items received get increased.The suppliers account is credited by net amount of the Purchase Invoice.Purchase Account is debited by value of Items purchased (net of Discount). Respective ledgers of other accounts (like Taxes) are debited accordingly.

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